Innovation PlayTanks

Innovation Playtanks (versus think tanks) are an experimental testbed that brings the innovation process to public spaces and events, by connecting inventors with users informing the success of future innovations.

Panels and Workshops

Playtank workshops provide a platform for discussing and working through challenges of transforming inventions into innovations. Creators can leverage the creative community to work through new ideas, unmet needs and obstacles to innovation so to refine their design process. Expert panels bring leading minds into the public forum, providing insight for would-be innovators who are looking for inspiration and validation.


Play-testing experiments give creators an opportunity to test their ideas and inform their designs against a participating target audience, gaining valuable data that can be used to improve upon the product design. We are interested in play-testing core usability concepts and play primatives at a stage where audience feedback can radically alter the future design, and provide valuable insights for the developer to leverage.

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