
Our primary focus is to provide a fresh perspective integrating “tried and true” traditions with next-generation experiential media to transform experiential venues such as theme parks, museums, conventions and health and recreation centers.  Our process starts with grounded research mixed with crazy ideas to envision a future dream to meet expectations that users may not even know they had. We can assemble an independent team of experts, or augment the client’s internal development teams to become a catalytic force for creativity and innovation.



Development Process


NASA funded Mission LEAP Mock Up was a full scale prototype of a lunar colony museum exhibit.

We utilize a preliminary process we call “Promotyping,” in which to play-test challenging and unproven concepts. Incorporating benchmarks from around the world, we then conduct front-end evaluations of the novel concepts to inform the design with early insights and validation.  We adapt a grounded and systematic entertainment design methodology that maximizes the interplay of story, play and games to ensure the compelling impact of the client’s message.

Our concept design approach incorporates a formative evaluation process we call the “Innovation PlayTank” that mocks-up experimental experiences and simulation technologies to test their creative, technical, operational and economic value and requirements.  Development of conceptual experimental experiences include projects from a futuristic NASA off-world colony; Mixed Reality Sci-Fi Rock Opera, MemoryScapes for a holocaust museum; to prehistoric, underwater time traveling archeology exhibit.

Making Memories that Last a Lifetime


Concept art for Sci-Fi Rock Opera show at Resorts World Sentosa

For both large and small projects, we focus on making memories that will last a lifetime. We believe that “limitation is the root of all creativity” and smaller projects can often provide the biggest insights that can contribute to the success of larger industry innovations.

Our tools for concept design include multiple forms of digital documentation to promote a vision and capture the lessons-learned from promotyping, prototyping, playtesting.

These consultation services are supported by the ability to rapidly prototype an experience in the Lab, and to conduct applied research and playtesting in order to test an idea before money and time are spent in costly development.